In analysis of data, objects have mostly been characterized by a set of characteristics known as attributes, which together contained only one value for each object. Besides that, a few attributes in reality could include with more than a single value; such as from a human beside multiple profession characterizations, practises, communication methods, and capabilities, in addition to shipping addresses, of that kind of attributes are referred to as multivalued attributes and are typically regarded as null attributes when data is processed employing machine learning procedures. Throughout this article, another similarity mechanism is introduced that is defined around including multivalued characteristics which can be used for grouping. We propose a model to analyse each factor’s relative prominence for different data collection challenges in order to enable the selection among the most suited multivalued elements. The suggested methodology is a clustering technique for development and evolution that employs fuzzy c-means clustering and retains the new and more effective membership component by implementing the proposed similarity metric. Clustering of multivalued variables using fuzzy c-means is the efficient grouping criteria that results; any methodology to group-related data appears viable. The results show that our assessment not only improves previous segmentation methods on the multivalued cluster-based architecture but also helps in the improvement of the standard similarity metrics.